Saturday, March 12, 2011

21st Amendment - Back in Black IPA

Today I'll be drinking Back in Black IPA from 21st Amendment Brewery in San Francisco, CA.  21st Amendment is one of those craft breweries that packages their beer in cans, because it's the hip thing to do.  The claim is that cans don't let any light through, thereby eliminating any potential skunkery due to light exposure.  Surly, a local craft brewery here in the Twin Cities, also cans there beer, and I am admittedly a Surly fanboy, so I have nothing against craft beer in a can.  This particular brew is an American-hopped black IPA that comes in at 6.8%ABV.

The can design depicts a revolutionary-style, angry-looking dude with a candle torch (but no pitch-fork).  The beer is a heavy dark brown with a fluffy tan inch of head.  The nose is a pleasant combination of citrus, pine and tropical fruits.  This smells like an IPA, no roasty malts to be found.  The taste follows the aroma almost to a T - very hoppy up front with zesty oranges and a light and welcome pine note complimenting it.  The malt backbone is strange in this beer - it's there, but it doesn't seem to contribute any real flavor to the beer - it just holds up the hop-profile with a bit of sweetness.  The body is sticky and full, with a nice amount of carbonation.

Overall Rating:  (3.8 out of 6.0)  This was a drinkable Black IPA - better than 21st Amendment's Brew Free or Die IPA.  It had more character, and a more robust hop profile.  I wouldn't mind drinking this again.

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