Friday, September 23, 2011

Steel Toe Brewing - Size 7 IPA

Tonight I am reviewing a brand new beer, straight off the brewery floor.  Steel Toe Brewing is one of the newest breweries to bring their craft to Minnesota.  Duns and I are lucky enough to only live about 20 minutes away from Steel Toe.  In fact, Duns went over there to get his own growler tonight!  They just started selling growlers about a month ago and their bottles are hitting store shelves in limited quantities now.  Soon, their kegs will hit our local watering holes and the suburbs of Minneapolis will have another craft beer to choose from.  Steel Toe's growlers have been selling like drug-laced hot cakes since they launched.  I'm excited to jump on this beer wagon and try their beer for the first time tonight.

Currently Steel Toe is offering three beers: Size 7, Dissent and Provider.  Provider is a light ale with a floral hop aroma.  Dissent is Steel Toe's version of a dark ale with oats.  I was also able to grab a bottle of Dissent and am looking forward to trying it as well!  Soon, Steel Toe will roll out a hoppy red ale named Rainmaker.  They are also teasing an oak aged stout and an oak aged barley wine in the future.  Hopefully we see those this winter!  However, tonight I am drinking Size 7.  This is an IPA that has 77 IBU's and weighs in at 7% ABV.  See the trend here?

Light orange, brilliantly clear with a fluffy white head that never quite goes away.  The aroma is akin to pulling a fresh hop cone off the bine, rubbing it between your hands and sticking your nose in the middle of the crushed lupulin and leafs.  It smells amazingly fresh and potent.  Lots of citrus and grapefruit with hints of malty sweetness in the background.  The flavors are intensely hoppy with a bold citrus and fruity hop-forward bitterness taking hold of my pallet every sip.  A subtle malty, bready sweetness helps to provide a semblance of balance this IPA needs.  The alcohol is barely there while the carbonation creates a smooth and crisp mouthfeel.

Overall - All I have to say is Wow!  I am not as much of a hop head as Duns but this IPA would easily make me drink an IPA every day.  Size 7 is floral, aromatic, smooth, bitter (in a good way), flavorful and dangerously easy to drink.  This IPA has earned a full time spot in my fridge.  I'm extremely excited to see what else Steel Toe has in store.  I think Surly may have a real competitor on their hands!


  1. I have had all three in growlers from the brewery and I love Dissent and Provider. I am not a IPA guy, so the Size 7 didn't appeal to me. I do have friends that love it though!

    It is so cool to have them so close by, as I live in eastern Minnetonka. You must try this new local brew. Get it in growlers from the source or bottles at the Four Firkins, if it isn't sold out.

  2. Hey Tim, thanks for the comment! Dunz and I are big hop heads so Size 7 was the natural beer to start with for us. However, after drinking that I am anxiously awaiting the moment I get to crack open my bottle of dissent. We are both very impressed with what Steel Toe has been able to produce thus far.

    Thanks for checking in!
