Thursday, September 22, 2011

Bell's Brewery - Octoberfest

First off, I'd like to talk about something that's been bugging me tonight.  Is anyone else annoyed with the marketing strategy for Coors Light beer?  They market their beer as tasting "super-cold", with these annoying commercials with ice-trains crashing through buildings, and this blue bar on their bottles showing how super-cold the beer is.  How can anything taste super-cold?  The colder the beer, the less you actually taste it, everyone knows it's a farce designed to mask the awful taste of the beer.  And of course it's refreshing, if you serve it at 33 degrees.  Anything that cold could be considered refreshing.  Coors, I'm sick of hearing about how cold your beer tastes like shit, regardless of its temperature.

Tonight I'll be drinking an Oktoberfest bier from Bell's Brewery in Comstock, Michigan.  This is their late-summer seasonal, and registers 5.5% alcohol.  The beer is a slightly hazy, dark golden amber color with a big layer of white head.  The aroma is hugely malty - sweet buttery biscuits, caramel/toffee and a spicy hint in the background.  The taste starts off with lightly toasted bread.  Grainy, sweet maltiness that screams Vienna-malts.  Herby and earthy, but with the slightest bit of tart apples coming through towards the end.  Through the finish there is a bit of noble hop bitterness and spice to dry things up. 

Overall Rating:  Another great Oktoberfest!  Simple, smooth, with loads of malts and a nice light hoppiness to balance things out.  Put this on your list for this fall - definitely worth a try!  B+

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