Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Alaskan Brewing - Perseverance Ale

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Tonight I'll be breaking out a bottle of Perseverance Ale from Alaskan Brewing in Juneau, Alaska.  Alaskan Brewing is best known for their Alaskan Amber, which is an easy-drinking Altbier that our friend Kasper, an Alaska native, is utterly obsessed with (he was actually introduced us to the brewery).  We've also enjoyed their IPA and Summer Kolsch brews - both also quite good.  The Perseverance Ale is a Russian Imperial Stout released to commemorate Alaskan Brewing's 25th Anniversary.  It's part of their Pilot Series, which is a rotating, limited release series of big, distinctive beers that utilize unique local ingredients.  Take a look at this list of beers in the Pilot's quite the line-up! 

This brew comes in a bottle with a retro label, depicting what looks like the original brewery in a log-cabin style building.  The label states "STOUT BREWED WITH BIRCH SYRUP AND FIREWEED HONEY".  It also has a timeline on the back of the bottle, pictured below.  This beer is a thick black color with light tan head and good retention.  The aroma is lightly smokey with charcoal and plenty of roasted barley.  Also some sweetness, honey and cocoa smooth off the edges of the alcohol fumes.  The first sip yields a creamy texture, carrying light roasted chocolate malts.  Mild notes of coffee and smoke.  Some earthy bitterness comes in towards the end, followed by a wave of alcohol heat in the finish.  Far less going on than I expected from the aroma. 

Overall Rating:  I was expecting a lot more out of this beer.  It was like a heavier, more alcoholic version of Guinness - none of the big, bold flavors you expect in an RIS.  I'll finish the bottle, but overall, disappointing.  C-

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