Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Alaskan Brewing - Summer Kolsch Style Ale

Alaskan Brewing Co has finally made it here to Minnesota!  I had heard the rumors floating around for the past few months about their potential arrival.  It wasnt until I saw a poster at one of the beer halls I frequent about an upcoming Alaskan Brewing beer dinner that I knew my excitement was justified.  My buddy from college who is originally from Alaska would not stop raving about their Amber.  He would buy this stuff directly from the distributor at a large premium just so he could fulfill his craving.  Any beer worth that level of dedication must be something special.

Between Dunz and I, we were able to pick up all four styles that landed in MN.  Im letting him review their IPA and Amber while Ill take on the Kolsch and White ale.  It just so happens that tonight Im craving the Kolsch, especially since its actually starting to feel like Spring around here!

Brilliantly clear.  In fact, I dont think bottled water is this clear!  Light blonde colored with no head retention to speak of.  Slightly fruity with a subtle bready/malty character in the aroma that flows directly through to the flavor.  Clean, crisp and refreshing.  What a summer time ale should be!  Malty with a hint of fruit, maybe lemon?  Tough to tell.  Medium carbonation and a small kick of hop bitterness finish this Kolsch off nice a crisp.

Overall - Definitely a nice Summer time ale.  I cant find much wrong with it other than the price tag.  As nice as it is to try beers from across the country and internationally, you need to give me something pretty darn amazing for me to want to pay the premium price tag that comes with shipping it out here.  Would I drink this again?  Absolutely.  Will I be buying another six pack at its current price?  Probably not.

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