Sunday, March 13, 2011

Brau Brothers - Cream Stout

Today's beer is brewed by Brau Brothers Brewing in the small town of Lucan, MN (population 220).  The Cream Stout is one of Brau's most popular year-round brews, with an english influence to the recipe and brewing style.  It comes in at a mild 4.5%ABV and 21 IBUs, brewed with English Ale yeast and Goldings/Fuggles hops. 

The label design is classic Brau Brothers - Boring.  It includes a short description of the beer on the side, which is pictured below.  F for creativity!  The label says this beer is right at home in a pint glass, so that's where it's going.  The color is an ink-black with a half-inch tan head.  The aroma is a combination of roasty chocolate malts and dark roast coffee...a firm, husky smell that isn't overwhelming but fairly one-sided.  The taste is the aroma incarnate - roasted, burnt malts with some expresso concentrate.  Then there is a short, fleeting burst of bitterness, and then everything washes away almost instantly, leaving just a hint of that roasted expresso flavor in the background.  Mouthfeel is a bit thin, along with the carbonation.

Overall Rating:  (3.0 out of 6.0)  This was a fairly straight-forward, simple stout.  The body was a bit too thin.....not a bad beer, but don't go out of your way for it. 

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