Friday, March 11, 2011

Tyranena - Headless Man Amber Alt

Tonight I'm bringing another Tyranena brew to the table.  This brewery is located out in Lake Mills, WI.  I did a review of their Three Beaches Honey Blonde back in February, which didn't turn out to be any good.  But, it's hard for me to resist the Tyranena section of the LQ store, with their crafty-looking labels and such.  This beer is classified as a 'Dusseldorf-style" Altbier, according to Tyranena.  We'll see about that.

The label on the bottle depicts an x-ray style image with a skeleton that doesn't include a head.  There is also a little story on the side, which is pictured below.  The beer is a murky, dark copper-brown with a small, weak layer of head.  Sweet malt aroma with some yeasty character to it.  Also a hint of metallic smell is there (like a handful of pennies, I do not like).  The taste certainly isn't as sweet as the nose, it starts with a light bready malt flavor that's thin and astringent.  The up-front malts give way to a slightly sour, nutty flavor that must be the yeast making an unwelcome appearance.  Then comes some watery corn meal, and a dry finish. 

Overall Rating:  (2.0 out of 6.0)  I was hopeful that Tyranena would deliver on this one, especially after the last few Tyranena duds I've tried, but unfortunately it turned out to be just blah.  This beer would be good.... for beer pong and other games that distract you from the fact that you're drinking fizzy barley-water.

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