Saturday, October 15, 2011

New Holland Brewing - Ichabod Pumpkin Ale

Today I'll be drinking Ichabod Pumpkin Ale from New Holland Brewing in Holland, MI.  I've had my fill of pumpkin beers for the season and I'm starting to get sick of them, so I can safely say this will be my last pumpkin beer of 2011.  Earlier this month I reviewed the Pumking by Southern Tier, which was truely pumpkin pie in a bottle....and that type of beer just isn't my mug 'o beer.  But, it's important to avoid bias and keep an open mind, especially when it comes to beer, because you never know when something can catch you by surprise and rock your face off with deliciousness.

This beer is brewed with real pumpkin, cinnamon, and nutmeg, and is 5.2% alcohol.  The label depicts a mounted headless horseman, holding his pumpkin head in his arms.  Anyone ever read Washington Irving?  Halloween 101 - he wrote the short story The Legend of the Sleepy Hollow - Ichabod Crane is the schoolteacher who gets murderized by the headless horseman on the bridge.  Awesome Halloween-styled label, very catchy.  The beer is a dull rusty-brown color with a thin layer of tan-colored head forming after a rough pour.  The nose starts with a faint sour note, with nutmeg and pumpkin paste behind it.  When I come back again, cinnamon also comes through.  The flavor starts off with caramel malts.  Chalky, dry hints of spices including that nutmeg and maybe cinnamon?  The malts and the spices all mesh together into a big blob of blandness.  It tastes like an old, over-aged Marzen brew.  Nothing else there to describe! 

Overall Rating:   Hmmm, is this really a pumpkin ale?  Where's the pumpkin?  Normally, a muted pumpkin flavor would be a good thing, but in this case, there aren't any other positives to prop this beer up.  It's bland and watered-down, the only real distinctive flavor in there is nutmeg, and trust me that gets old after a couple sips.  D

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