Friday, October 14, 2011

Bell's Brewery - Best Brown Ale 2011

I just finished watching a documentary on the making of South Park, and Trey Parker/Matt Stone are insane.  Aside from their undeniable creative genius, they have incredible work ethic.  Can you imagine having to come up with ideas for a show, develop the scenes, write the script, create the animation, record the voice-overs...literally create an entire episode from scratch....all in just 6 days!?  Seems impossible.  But they make it happen.  Their true genius is in their ability to mock everyone and everything that deserves to be mocked.  Love those guys.

Tonight I'm drinking Best Brown Ale from Bell's Brewery in Comstock, MI.  Bell's is well-known for the heavy-hitting HopSlam Imperial IPA, and their Expedition Stout.  We've also tried their Batch 10,000, which was one of the oddest brews I've ever tasted.  Best Brown Ale is a seasonal brew from Bell's, registering a mild 5.8% alcohol.

The label includes a picture of an owl on the front, quite the stately label, as expected from Bell's.  The beer is a murky, dirty dark brown with a thin layer of cream head.  The aroma is pretty basic - sweet, nutty maltyness with a touch of nutmeg.  The flavor starts off with hefty malts.  Very nutty, with some woody, earthy undertones and a touch of hop bitterness in the middle.  This beer is heavily carbonated....too carbonated.  A hint of dark fruits, along with a dry and sour bitterness at the finish that lingers for a bit.

Overall Rating:  Well, I disagree with the name of this brew.  It's definitely not the Best brown ale....the carbonation was overwhelming, and the finish left an odd, out-of-place sour flavor that didn't sit well.  This one will go towards the bottom of my Bell's list.  C+

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