Friday, January 21, 2011

Tommyknocker Imperial Nut Brown Ale

Tommyknocker Brewery is located out in Idaho Springs, CO just west of Denver.  I don't have a lot of experience with their brews, but this one caught my eye when I saw that it was brewed with maple syrup.  Pancakes, sure.  Beer....not so sure, but definitely worth a try.  This one comes in at 9%ABV, and is brewed with chocolate, crystal malts and a blend of European/American hops. 

The 12oz bottle has a vintage look to it.  I'm pouring this into my snifter, aggressive pour brings up a light tan head a little under an inch, receeds fairly quickly.  The color is a blackish brown, and there are some particles floating around in there when held against the light.  The aroma is full of nutty malts, molasses, some coffee and just a hint of alcohol.  The drink starts with a sweet yet slightly tart nutty flavor, the tart is just a pinch of dark fruit.  Chocolate malts also show up and are a nice break from the initial sweetness, but not enough of a break.  The sweetness bomb continues in the middle with brown sugar, and then the alcohol warmth kicks in, ending it off with a warm buttery finish.  I'm not able to detect any hops at all.  The body is thick and syruppy (pun intended).

Overall Rating:  (2.7 out of 6.0)  I'm not a big fan of this description, but I'm sorry to say it....this beer is "cloyingly" sweet.  For those of you that enjoy sweet dessert-type beers, this is worth a try.  But this just doesn't sit well on my taste buds......I guess I'll have to save maple syrup for the pancakes.

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