Thursday, January 20, 2011

Rush River Double Bubble Imperial IPA

Rush River Brewing Co is a small brewery located in River Falls, WI.  All of their brews are unfiltered and unpasteurized, which they claim allows more flavor and a more robust mouthfeel, along with "many health benefits"....   See Mom, I told you beer was healthy!  Double Bubble is a seasonal offering, and Rush River's website is under construction so I wasn't able to find the beer-geek stats on it. 

I'm pouring into my snifter, this pours a nice thick consistency with a orange-golden color and a strong inch of white foam.  A small amount of lacing is left behind.  Held up to the light, this beer is filled with little specks of yeast, very hazy.  Unfiltered indeed!  Not a bad looking beer though.

The aroma is full of fresh citrus - grapefruits and orange zest.  I swear I smell bubble gum in there (could it be a sub-conscious suggestion from the name of the beer?  Maybe.), along with some pale grains.  The taste is very raw - the citrusy hops hit right away, and the bitterness is a little harsh.  There is some pine in the flavor that wasn't really present in the nose.  The middle is a very grainy, gritty pale maltiness.  The harsh bittnerness hits again in a 2nd wave towards the end of the drink.  The finish is oily and resinous. 

Overall Rating:  (3.0 out of 6.0)  The hops are the star of the show in this beer.  I like the hop blast that it provides (although it is a bit harsh at first), but I feel like something is lacking.  It could be the lack of a strong malt balance - there is a lot of grainy pale malts present, but it's too light and just doesn't support the big-time hops.  It's close to being great, but not quite there.

**Side Note:  After the beer warmed up a bit, a bandaid aftertaste started showing up.  Solution:  Serve it cold and drink it fast!

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