Saturday, November 12, 2011

Anchor - Old Foghorn 2011

I am currently drinking Stone's 15th Anniversary Escondidian Imperial Black IPA.  The beer is fantastic, just like Dunz had mentioned in his review.  But the beer isn't what necessarily caught me by surprise.  It was more the statement on the back of the bottle.  It's long, but completely worth reading.  If you want to read my review of Old Foghorn skip to the following paragraph.  I think the words on the back of this bottle of Stone are worth repeating here.

"In the 15 years since we entered the craft brewing world, change has come not in a straight line, but as an exponential curve.  The craft brewing movement has long been called a "revolution".  But today the air is so thick with revolution, it's palpable.  No longer is it only an awareness among the faithful; the unconverted are beginning to feel it as well.  Denial and ignorance are disappearing in favor of opened eyes, curiosity and the sense that there's something larger out there.  For far too long we have been lied to.  For far too long we have been oppressed by the notion that dumbed-down-lowest-common-denominator-mediocrity was all that we could, and should, expect. You might think we're talking only about the world of brewing, but we're not.  There is a myriad of products out there masquerading as cheese, coffee, chocolates, breads... hell, there is stuff pretending to be 'food' that our great grandmothers would not recognize as such.  Yet the craft brewing movement, together with the artisanal food movement, is making much progress.  Where the industrial companies can't dismiss or bury us, they are attempting to copy us with cheap facsimiles.  Yes, chances are if you are holding this bottle, you understand these things to be true about the world of brewing.  You also likely understand the importance of our fight at Stone against accepted 'norms' over the last 15 years.  We believe that America was ready to embrace things made with artistry and passion.  You have spoken.  Your response has been clear. We are not merely consumers to be spoon-fed whatever commodities need to be unloaded for a profit.  We have only just begun to move the needle of this revolution, & mediocrity still reigns.  Consider that when you reject dumbed down, industrialized food and drink, you also support craft brewing.  The line is nearly seamless; we are fighting the same battle.  We will not win in our lifetime, as the powers are too entrenched, and the masses too fooled.  And shackled.  However, this is a revolution of ideas and of taste, and we will win.  How do you want to be viewed by your children, and your children's children?  As a hero, or as the oppressed?  (Those that don't think they have been oppressed are already lost).  Ultimately, it's up to you to decide.  We hope you'll stand with us.  Strong and unyielding.  You are needed.  This bottle and its glorious contents are a celebration of you, brothers and sisters, and you importance in this fight.  Cheers to all we've accomplished together in the past fifteen years, and cheers to the adventure ahead!"

Hopefully Anchor Brewing has the same sentiment as Stone seeing as how I just use over half this review to republish something created by Stone.  The bottom line is that hand crafted, well made food and drink is in the midst of a strong resurgence in America.  Any craft brewery within the states should know and respect that fact.

Working together is the only way to make a difference, regardless of what your objective is.  I think the American craft beer movement is one of the great poster children for what a unified group of people can accomplish.  We all love great beer.  Lets continue to fan the embers that those before us and beside us relentlessly keep kindled.

Tonight's review is of Anchor's version of an American Barley Wine.  Old Foghorn is one of the best examples of the style available in the world.  I reviewed the 2010 release in February and found it to be right on par with my expectations.  Unfortunately I didn't age any of the 2010 bottles so I am unable to compare this years with lasts.  But I imagine they wont differ too much.

The color is a very rich deep amber.  Perfectly clear and *Cue British Accent* brilliant!  Only a thin lacing of foam clings to the glass.  A little boozy, candied dark fruit, matly sweet, hoppiness and brown sugar are all in the aroma.  The body is full, smooth and nicely balanced.  Many of the aromas make an appearance in the flavor.  Caramelized malt, subtle dark fruit and a slight hop bitterness round out the prominent flavors.  Mild carbonation and alcohol warmth - in equal parts - help to finish this barley wine out relatively dry.

Overall - As I mentioned earlier, I wasn't sure the 2011 would differ much from the 2010.  It appears as though I was right.  While Anchor's Old Foghorn is a good example of the American Barley Wine style, it's not extraordinary in my book.  Certainly one to enjoy if you are able to pick up a six pack.  But I wouldn't go too far out of your way to get it. 

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