Friday, November 11, 2011

Poll Results - Is Bigger Always Better?

Tactical Nuclear Penguin is my favorite beer... ever.
  3 (21%)
Hell yeah! Crank those ABVs to 11!!!
  6 (42%)
Imperial versions are good, but I'd rather drink a beer true to its style.
  4 (28%)
I enjoy maintaining my ability to walk after a pint.
  1 (7%)
Amstel Light, now that's the good stuff.
  0 (0%)

Look what I can do now!  Copy and Past FTW!!!

Last week it clearly looked like everyone wanted to crank those ABVs to 11.  I can't blame you either.  Who wouldn't want to drink a beer and feel like they just relived their 21st birthday the next day?  There are definitely beers out there that manage the impact of the alcohol very well.  Those are the ones that I want in my belly.  The other ones can take a note from the red haired redneck from South Park and giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit out!

This poll is going to turn into a monthly occurrence.  This months poll is all about brewery rapture!!  I know the list is short, but of the five breweries on the list, which could you not live without?

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