Monday, November 14, 2011

Avery - Hog Heaven

Tonight I'm drinking Hog Heaven from Avery Brewing.  This is an American Barley Wine that ensures its hop presence won't go unnoticed.  An aggressive dose of dry hopping is going to make those hop aromas explode out of the bottle.  If you want to make an American version of a beer, add more hops.  It'll get the job done every time.

Duns reviewed this brew back in May.  While he loved the aromas, he found the overall brew to lack any cohesive direction.  We love Avery here at TWoBC (pronounced Tuh-whoa-buk in case you were wondering).  We have 13 Avery reviews between Duns and I.  Their extensive line-up makes it easy for us to find a new beer every time we get to the beer store.  One of these days we'll get through every beer they have to offer.  Just don't expect that to be anytime soon...

104 IBUs, 9.4% ABV, flying pigs through a garden of hop cones... on paper, this is exactly what any hop head should want in an American Barley Wine.  Flying hoppy pigs!!!  Sunburst orange and crystal clear with a few fingers of bright white foam capping this beauty off.  The aromas are a mix of citrus a vegetation.  Fresh cut grass, citrus zest, lemon rind with a smattering of toasted bread and malty sweetness.  The alcohol isn't even noticeable in the aroma.  It's definitely there in the taste, though.  But not oppressive, just warming and drying in the finish.  The hops are the real star here.  An assertive bitter bite takes a hold of your palate and doesn't relent. A wave of flavors quickly rush in to provide a semblance of balance.  Grapefruit, white grapes, more cut grass, light caramel and just a hint of bittersweet chocolate (not sure where that came from) round out this bold barely wine.

Overall - This is a barley wine that you should drink right away.  Don't age it!  Avery says you should, and you could, but you shouldn't.  The hops are the star of the show, no doubt about it.  There are plenty of big hop aromas and flavors that would be lost if you aged the bottle for longer than a few months.  This brew isn't for the faint of heart either.  It's like drinking concentrated hop juice with a dash of malt.  Very well brewed.  Something I'll be drinking again soon.

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