Saturday, October 29, 2011

Walleye Chop Lager

Today I'm drinking a Walleye Chop Beer from Bank Beer Company in Hendricks, MN.  This is a seasonal brew with a charitable cause behind it - a portion of the proceeds goes to the Pheasants Forever Build a Wildlife Area campaign, which is a foundation that acquires lands and then preserves them as hunting and recreation areas.  The can depicts a pastel-like painting of a fisherman catching a walleye.  It also includes a brief description that states this is a "hand-crafted hop lager", not exactly sure what that means but I guess we'll find out!

The beer is a pale golden color, clear, with a nice layer of creamy white foam that holds strong long after the pour.  The aroma is full of pale malts, some wheat, and a hint of corn mash.  Light noble hops are also present, which bring a sort of earthy, sweet bitterness to the nose.  The flavor starts off with a sharp ping of bitterness that completely took me off guard - unripe pears and apples come to mind.  The middle levels off with a combination of pale/wheat malts and some funky yeast character.  The finish takes a turn in the wrong direction - some corn and rice adjunct flavors come through, along with a strange tin-like flavor that is....cringe-inducing.

Overall Rating:  This beer has some nice characteristics up front, it's reminiscent of a german style vienna lager, very malt forward and fairly tasty.  That is, until the finish.  The metallic, adjuncty finish actually leaves me with a bitter-beer-face.  C

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