Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sunday Round-Up 09/25/11

It's been a busy week for Duns and I.  Lots of beer was consumed to bring you the daily reviews that you have come to expect.  It's no easy task, let me tell you.  But, we do it because we love you.  Oh, and beer.  We really love beer.  In case you missed us this week, here is what you missed:

Monday - Avery's The Kaiser marched into my house and laid down an assault of malty, bready Oktoberfest deliciousness.  A little boozy, but still very tasty.

Tuesday - I enjoyed one of the first fresh-hopped ales to hit the market this season.  Weyerbacker's Harvest Ale delivered a fresh hoppy and malty experience.  A good start to the fresh hop season.

Wednesday - Duns reviewed a new brew from Alaskan Brewing.  Perseverance Ale is a stout brewed with birch syrup and fireweed honey.  Certainly and interesting combination!

Thursday - Oktoberfest fever took its hold on us once again.  Bells Octoberfest is a solid example of the classic marzen style from a very reputable brewery.

Friday - One of the newest breweries in Minnesota produced one of the best IPA's I've ever had.  Steel Toe Brewery's Size 7 was fantastic.  This IPA had everything going for it; aroma, flavor, appearance... awesome.

Saturday - We posted the results of our first poll asking you what your favorite season for beer was.  Winter came out the clear winner.  I don't think very many craft beer enthusiasts would argue with that.

This week we also started using Untappd to track our copious beer consumption.  Follow Duns and myself to see what we like to drink when we aren't reviewing the beer.

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