Monday, September 26, 2011

New Belgium Brewing - Mothership Wit

Tonight I'll be drinking a Mothership Wit from New Belgium Brewing in Fort Collins, Colorado.  This is the brewery's first venture into 'organically-produced' beer - a wheat beer brewed with lots of organic stuff, including organic orange peels, organic coriander, and organic lemon peels.  What classifies a food or ingredient as organic?  Organic refers to foods that are grown and processed without the use of pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides, hormones, antibiotics, or cyber-genetic mutations.  Ok, I made that last one up.  But you get the picture, this stuff is all-natural.  Mothership Wit is a session brew with 4.8% alcohol, and classifies as a Belgian Witbier.

The beer is very light, pale straw color with lots of bubbles (as you can see in the picture).  Those bubbles help to maintain the half-inch of white head, never allows it to recede.  The aroma is dominated by spices and yeast-funk.  Coriander, some pale malt, and lemon sweetness also linger.  The flavor starts off with a tart lemony citrus.  Then comes a wave of bananas, which combine together with spices.  The spices are present but take back-seat role to the tart citrus, sweet wheat malts, and bananas.  The mouthfeel is very crisp, heavier carbonation, and the finish is dry.  The finish leaves a lingering banana flavor.

Overall Rating:  This was a really pleasant, simple, refreshing witbier.  Fantastic brew to enjoy during the summer months.  I don't have a lot of experience with this style, but I certainly enjoyed New Belgium's take on it!  A-

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