Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ommegang - Rare Vos

Tonights beer comes recommended to me by one of the helpful gents over at The Four Firkins.  I had originally went to their store to see if they carried Ommegangs Belgian IPA.  Unfortunately, unbeknownst to me but knownst to my Firkins associate, their BIPA was only available in a special variety pack.  I was further informed that they carried another Belgian style ale brewed by Ommegang which exhibits some similar qualities as the BIPA I was originally in search for.  My last experience with Ommegangs Abbey Ale was a great one which left me looking for more from this East coast brewery.  I anticipates tonights brew will leave me with the same feeling.

Categorized as a Belgian Amber, the first quality I notice after pouring is the aroma; spicy fruit with hints of citrus and clove are easily discernible.   A bit of malt battles its way through the spicy front lines and softens the overall character.  Sipping the hazy orange/amber brew brings similar flavors to my palate as it did my nose.  A more pronounced black pepper and citrus take on a leading role with caramelized dark fruit and hop bitterness filling in as the supporting cast.  The finish is a bit cloying towards the end of the pint.  However, the alcohol warmth and moderate carbonation make the cloying sweetness an afterthought.

Overall - This was certainly enjoyable.  I think this is one that would pair well with a variety of foods.  Cheese and fish come to mind initially.  Im not sure this is one I would drink on a regular basis though.  Not because its bad, far from it actually.  More so because its flavor profile is so bold and pronounced that my palate would be overwhelmed after just a few.  Ill be buying this one again next time the wife go out of our way to cook a nice dinner.  I encourage everyone else to give this 2008 GABF Gold Medal winner a try!

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