Monday, August 29, 2011

Sam Adams - Octoberfest

If you have been following The World of BeerCraft recently, you should be aware of my affinity for Autumn-time  brews.  In my opinion (IMO for you young people and hackers out there), Autumn is arguably the best season of the year for beer.  You have Oktoberfests, Porters, Pumpkin spiced and Stout styles all awakening from their long reverse-hibernation through the Spring and Summer.  The joy of drinking these styles in the cool Autumn months next to a fire or during a football game cannot be beat.

Tonight's Oktoberfest brewery of choice is Sam Adams.  If there is one brewery that put craft beer on the map across the country it was Sam Adams.  Now I don't need a bunch of hate mail from you West Coast folks out there telling me that Sierra Nevada is better - They are a fantastic brewery in their own right.  But Sam Adams Boston Lager took the craft beer industry by storm and was widely adopted by beer drinkers who had only previously known of "The Big Three".  They have made their presence well known within the world of craft beer and have continually supported not only beer innovation, but new craft breweries and homebrewers alike.

Sam Adams Oktoberfest is a classic version of the Marzen style.  The color is a beautiful clear amber hue topped off with a thin off-white foam.  The aromas are distinctly bready with plenty of sweet malt supported by a subtle rustic or herbal hop.  Everything you find in the aroma comes through to the flavors.  Smooth malty sweetness, toasted bread with hints of hop bitterness to balance the sweetness.  You wont find any signs of alcohol in this marzen brew.

Overall - This is a very basic, yet delicious offering from Sam Adams.  They took no creative liberty on this style and for that we should be grateful.  The Oktoberfest/Marzen style can be easily bastardized since the recipe is so basic.  Yet, if left as is, you will find yourself with a delicious beer.  I generally tend to think all Sam Adams beers have that 'Sam Adams' flavor to them.  However, with their Octoberfest offering I'm having trouble finding that signature flavor.  This brew is true to the style.  Now all I need is a giant pretzel and some lederhosen!

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