Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Two Brothers Brewing - Oh Brother! Tripel Ale

This evening I will be enjoying an Oh Brother! Tripel from Two Brothers Brewing in Warrenville, IL.  This brewery has continued to grow on me, with some deliciously hoppy concoctions like the Resistance IPA and their Cane and Ebel Red Rye.  Cane and Ebel was the collective favorite craft brew for my family over the 4th of July weekend... it received lots of high praise against a tough field of craft brews including Surly, Flying Dog, Brau Brothers, and a couple others.  Tonight's brew is a Tripel Ale, and part of their line of Artisan Beer.  I couldn't find any information on this brew on their website, so I'm guessing it's no longer available?  I did find it at a brew-shop I don't normally frequent, and it was on "fire sale", so it's probably a bit aged.  There are a couple references on the google-brain that say this is an 8.5% alcohol brew...but that's about it! 

I can't find a bottled-on date anywhere.  There is, however, a cool drawing of a monk holding a glass of beer...awesome label art.  The beer is a cloudy, soft honey-gold with very little foam appearing after a rough pour.  Lots of sediment is visible in the bottle and in the glass.  Aroma is full of spicy apple cider, plenty of sweet honey malts, more pepper, cloves, and some funky banana yeast.  The taste brings all of those scents straight home with even more maltyness than expected.  Starts off with fresh cut apples and apricots.  Then comes a wave of spices and cloves, which rides on some seriously spritzy carbonation.  Coriander and some warm booze come towards the end, and the finish leaves a lingering banana yeast-ness.

Overall Rating:  This was a nice Tripel with plenty of the typical characteristics of the style.  The alcohol bite was a tad bit harsh, but I didn't have a problem finishing this pint.  Two Brothers continues to impress.  B+

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