Friday, June 24, 2011

Surly - Bitter Brewer

Happy Friday everybody!

Today has been a great day for me.  As some of you may already know I am a giant tech nerd during the time that I am not being a beer geek.  I love games, gadgets, gizmos and anything that is shiny.  And today I was able to get a new toy, the HTC Evo 3D!  I've only been using it through the day so far and I must say I'm amazed.  Super fast, crystal clear, and most importantly - shiny!  Plus, it has a fancy new camera on the back which means better beer pictures for you!

Tonight's brew comes from what is likely the third most popular brewery in MN behind Summit and August Schell's, Surly.  If anybody knows how to market to us craft beer nerds its these guys.  The name surly loosely means 'the anger fueled by the inability to find good beer'.  They are a small, but quickly expanding brewery that does everything in its power to appease Minnesotas local craft beer scene.  And they do a pretty damn good job at making beer too!  You may have read the post by Dunz on Surly Furious which is basically his second all time favorite beer behind Surly Wet.  Anytime Surly is mentioned around Dunz I am pretty sure angels sing in his head as he momentarily dreams about diving into a large cauldron of Surly beer.  I myself am not as brainwashed by Surly's impressive mind control prowess.  But I still find myself enjoying their beers year round.

That's right, we got wide screen pictures baby!

Bitter Brewer is a spring seasonal brew loosely based off of the European bitters style of ale.  Although if anyone from Europe traveled to MN and tasted this they would most likely get their knickers in a bunch complaining about how Surly abused the style.  But thats what they are here to do - push the boundaries of craft beer. This also holds the title of lowest % ABV at Surly, coming in at only 4% and 37 IBUs.  Its dry hopped to bring the floral citrus aromas to the forefront.  Lets see if they accomplished their goal.

All 16 ounces fill my mug with a hazy light copper ale with a lofty white head.  Those citrusy aromas are certainly present alongside a subtle bready and malt mix.  The body is very light and smooth.  Lots of carbonation to accentuate the bitterness but not so much so that it makes it harsh.  Woody, bready and almost dense orange flavors mix together and find harmony amongst the abundance of American hops.  An extremely dry, bitter finish brings this beer to an end while living up to its namesake through the entire experience.

Overall - I started typing 'refreshing' but I'm not so sure that description fits here.  Its an easy drinker, crisp and light.  But I wouldn't want one after mowing the lawn.  There is a lot going on here that makes it complex and fun to drink.  Its one of my favorites from Surly without a doubt.  This beer is one for those who enjoy their beer on the hoppier side but also like the complexities that come along with a nicely brewed beer.  Find a four pack before the seasons over!

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