Saturday, June 25, 2011

New Belgium - Dunkelweiss

Tonight I'll be drinking a brew from New Belgium's Lips of Faith Series - the Dunkelweiss.  This is a hefty brew that comes in at 9%ABV.  This is primarily hopped with Target hops, along with Pale, Wheat, and Black Barley malts, and black pepper/clove additions.  New Belgium's goal is to take the German Wheat beer style, and create a mutant step-child brew that carries most of the same basic characteristics, and throws some twists in there.  Goes against the grain of the more traditional folk, but I enjoy going on these brewventures.

The beer is super dark brown, almost black color with a massive layer of tan head.  The aroma is full of fresh banana bread, peppery cloves, and caramel apples.  Also a yeast funk, and a hint of alcohol fumes in there.  The flavor is sweet, with toasted bread malt starting things off.  Then comes a wave of flavors that were apparent in the aroma - banana, wheat, cloves, and apple cider.  Even more apple flavors than the aroma let on, with black peppers and a sugary finish.  Where the hell is that 9% alcohol?  Aside from the campfire warmth in the back of my throat, it's hardly noticeable.

Overall Rating:  This was a nice brew - New Belgium took this german style and had some fun with it - they created a frankendunkel!  An easy-drinking brew and a must-try from the Lips of Faith Series.  A-

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