Thursday, June 23, 2011

Brew Dog - Hardcore IPA

Tonight we head to Scotland to try out this Hardcore IPA from Brew Dog Brewery.  Back in May 2011, Steve reviewed their Punk IPA and gave it a fairly poor rating.  But this is my first taste of Brew Dog beer, so I'm coming into this brew with a thirst for hops and a clear, unbiased palate.  This is an Imperial IPA with some big numbers; 9.2% alcohol, 150 IBUs, and a potent blend of American hops including Centennial, Columbus, and Simcoe.  They hopped this brew to ring 1 of hell, and then dry-hopped it all the way down to the 7th ring.  The website includes a hilarious video from BrewDog that includes some creative ways to destroy big commercial rice-waters - definitely worth checking out - BrewDog Hardcore IPA.

The label on this 11.2oz bottle states that this is an 'explicit imperial ale'.  It also includes a description, photo included below.  The beer is a cloudy red-brown color with a fluffy light tan head that leaves nice lace rings.  The aroma is pungent!  Acidic citrus, ripe grapefruits and pineapples, mixed in with loads of resins and buttery biscuits.  The drink starts off with that buttered malt sweetness.  Followed closely by sweet oranges, grapefruit peels, and some oily pine resins that build up slowly in the back of my mouth, but never reaches the hop-bomb bitterness that I expected from the aroma.  A hint of spice comes in at the finish.  The mouthfeel is oily and creamy, with a lower amount of carbonation that adds to the character of the brew.

Overall Rating:  I wouldn't put this beer in the ring against American hop-bombs like Avery Maharaja or Stone Ruination or Surly Furious, but it certainly held it's own and exceeded my expectations.  This is a juicy, dangerous IPA that delivers great flavor and dangerously masks the 9.2% alcohol.  Those Scots put together a nice Imperial IPA - give it a try!  A-

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