Thursday, April 7, 2011

Tyranena - Shaggin' in the Wood Bourbon-Aged Scotch Ale

Let's kick things off today with a tribute to the amount of hatred I have for the Yankees.  They are the absolute bane to the Minnesota Twins existence.  No matter what the Twins do, they never seem to be able to win a series against that cursed baseball team.  Can't.  Stand.  Them...... F the yankees.

Now that we're past my baseball rant, let's get down to the things that really matter, beer obviously being at the top of that list.  Today I'll be Shaggin' in the Wood with this Scotch Ale, from Tyranena Brewing in Wisconsin.  This is part of their Brewers' Gone Wild series of beers, which, according to Steve, has produced a couple tasty beers in the past.  My last few glasses of Tyranena have been rough....not very good at all.  But I'm not willing to give up on them just yet, and besides, who can resist a beer called Shaggin' in the Wood?  Not this guy.

This beer comes in a nifty little "Brewers Gone Wild" label design, complete with a description of the brew, and a doodle of the head brewer (both pictured below).  Also notes on the label that this is "A series of big, bold, ballsy beers".  This beer is a dark, cloudy amber-brown color with minimal head and lacing.  The nose starts with a fantastic, musky caramel apple cider.  Oak, bourbon, vanilla scents all blend together in their as well.  Flavor starts with a woody, roasty caramel.  Then comes some vanilla notes, and some sweet apple along with it.  The bourbon is really only an afterthought in the flavor profile, which in my opinion is a good thing.  The finish leaves you with a vanilla-tongue, and some alcohol fumes on the nose.  The body is thick and viscous from start to finish, with moderate carbonation.

Overall Rating:  (3.3 out of 6.0)  This was probably the best Tyranena brew that I've had to date.  I enjoyed it to an extent, but I still am left wishing for a little more.  Can't quite pinpoint exactly what that is, but it was missing that kick that I was hoping for...too much vanilla-wood for me.   

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