Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Stone - Sublimely Self Righteous Ale

On my way home from my place of business this afternoon I felt the intense urge to pick up some new beer.  This urge could not go unsatiated.  Even though I have no lack of bottles to review in my fridge currently, I wanted something different.  For me, going to the beer store is akin to a kid entering a Toys R Us for the first time in his life.  Every time I go to one I always find something new and I get a silly, childish grin on my face while I carry as many bottles as I can in my hands up to the cash register.  I intentionally leave the shopping carts and baskets, if available, at the door... God help my bank account if that ever becomes a habit of mine.

One of the bottles I picked up is from Stone.  Yes, Dunz just reviewed one of their brews this weekend and I wanted to get in on this party.  I have heard good things about Stone and found an impressive line up of their bombers at the brew store.  I went with one I was unfamiliar with and knew little about.  From what I derived by reading the lengthy story on the back of the bottle it was bitter, dark and well received back when it was featured as Stone's 11th anniversary release.  Its always good to see a special release beer become part of a breweries normal line up.  Must mean they are doing something right.  And I must say, I love the art that is featured throughout Stone.  Medieval gargoyles and winged beasts litter Stones website and bottles.  Very cool.

A deep brown, almost black brew flows into my mug creating a frothy tan head.  The hops are instantly permeating the air and very vibrant.  The aroma is almost all citrusy hops with a hint of roast and brown sugar in the background.  Had this been a blind tasting, I would have a very hard time identifying this as anything other than a big IPA.  The flavors flow through from the aroma with an intense bitterness and hop presence.  Lots of tart citrus flavors like grapefruit and tangy orange.  Some burnt caramel and roast begin to show up as the brew warms.  Very smooth mouthfeel with moderate carbonation.  A slight alcoholic warmth comes into play as I finish off this silky treat.

Overall 5.2/6.0 - Delicious.  I can toss other descriptors out there but delicious sums up my thoughts on this brew quite thoroughly.  Black IPAs, a relatively new brew category, are quickly catching on with craft breweries across the country.  Its no surprise that some of the best are coming from the West.  I would love to have Stone package it in six pack form.  In fact, Ill take a six pack of 22 oz bottles.  Jumbo sixer.  Now there's an idea!

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