Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Odell - Myrcenary Double IPA

So today I found a new craft beer shop that is actually 100% devoted to craft beer.  These guys don't waste their space with the rice-water piss-beer....they only carry the good stuff, from around the world.  I walked around this shop for about 30 minutes in a sort of gleeful trance.  It's a miracle to have walked out without spending $100+ dollars.  But I did walk out with this little DIPA, brewed by Odell Brewery out in Fort Collins, CO.  Myrcenary is named for Myrcene, a component of the essential oils in a hop flower, according to Odell's website.  At 9.3%ABV, they aren't messing around....this is one of the big guns of their year-round line up.

The label on this 12oz bottle depicts a motorcycle with a side-car full of hops, making a get-away from the hop garden?  There's also a short description which I included, pictured below.  The second I cracked the cap off this bottle, Hello tropical bouquet!  Big citrus, grapefruits and mangos, and fresh orange pulp come to mind.  Super fresh, piney and slightly resiny.  The drink starts with a brief, sweet maltiness.  Then comes a wave of those citrus flavors, a little more bitter than the nose let on.  Orange rinds, some lemon peels, and then on the back side is an oily, piney residual flavor that carries the fruit overtones, quite a dance of different hop flavors!  The finish leaves that sticky feeling in the back of my throat, but after some contemplation I think I would describe it as creamy, with more of a dry finish.  The alcohol is completely disguised by this hop ballet.

Overall Rating:  (5.3 out of 6.0)  This was a hop-bomb with a lot of character - Odell's goal was to showcase myrcene, and they nailed it.  Tropical fruits were the star - big and juicy and perfectly tailored to the body and malt backbone.  Thank you Odell for making this a year-round brew!  Hop-heads, go find this beer.

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