Monday, January 31, 2011

Bell's - Hopslam

Tonight is my night to just hang out, relax, chill by the fire and give my brain a break.  I just finished taking two 30 question practice tests (scored above 80% on both!) and am now in need of a delicious, liquid treat.  The first brew that caught my eye on my fridge door was Bell's Hopslam.  How could I miss it with its bold, green label and awesome hop art on the front?!  Honestly, I wouldn't mind being the guy crushed under enormous hop cones at this point.  Ive got me a hankerin' for some hopped up goodness!

This is a seasonal release for Bell's brewing out of Michigan.  The bottles batch number is 10,094.  It comes in 6 packs and mini kegs which I was surprised to find out.  The 6 packs are $20 which is normally a ridiculous price to pay for beer.  However, Ive had this brew in the past and it made me smile.  So Dunz and I decided to split it and reduce the hit to the wallet.

Hopslam pours a clear orange color with an off white head that collapses into a thin layer after about a minute.  The aroma packs a nice hoppy punch.  Very citrusy and fresh.  Grapefruit and green apples are the two fruits that initially come to mind.  A subtle sweetness mixes in with the hoppy aroma.  I'm wondering if thats from the honey used to brew this hop monster.  My first sip is smooth with the hoppy bitterness, honey sweetness and alcohol all congregating together towards the dry finish.  The aromas are certainly not defiant of the flavor here.  Grapefruit, honey, caramel all make an appearance.  A slickness forms on my tongue from the hop resins this IPA packs.  A slight fussel alcohol flavor shows up at the end but doesnt burn on the way down.  I suppose thats to be expected with 10% ABV.

Overall 5.2/6.0 - A big, bold monster of an IPA this is not.  This hop-packed brew sneaks up on you and is dangerously drinkable.  The aromas and flavors are very pleasant and inviting.  The honey adds a nice sweetness that you cant replicate using only malt.  It keeps this beer from being too cloying and adds to the overall balance.  If you have $20 to drop on a six pack this is certainly a great choice.  Or split one with a buddy like Dunz and I did.  Either way, I think its worth the money.

If I were ballsy enough I would get this as a tattoo.  Such an awesome graphic.

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