Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Great Divide - Yeti

This evenings review is in regards to Great Divide's Yeti Imperial Stout.  I just picked up this bomber a few days ago when I was looking for a barley wine.  Great Divides Old Ruffian was the brew I was seeking but I noticed this delightful character cozied up right next to it.  I couldn't leave Yeti behind... it would have been without its beer partner.  And thats just not acceptable, damnet!

Yeti pours a viscous, thick used motor oil black.  When I reviewed Victory's Storm King a few days ago I said that was black... well this one just dethroned Storm King as the blackest in the bunch.  A sturdy dark brown head forms and refuses to dissipate back into the abyss from which it came.  The aromas, while mild, were easily detectable.  Chocolate, fresh coffee and a little roastiness pulls through to support the chocolate.  Sipping this...... I just killed a mosquito!  Wtf!  Its the middle of friggen February in Minnesota and I'm sitting here killing mosquitos???  This state is ridiculous.  Sorry, I had to get that out of my system.  Back to beer... sipping this provides the textured I would expect from an RIS.  Nice and thick, creamy and smooth with enough carbonation to keep it from cloying to your tongue.  The chocolate is the front runner in this brew with some roasty and coffee hints to support the chocolate, just like the aroma.  This one isn't too complex with this flavors either.  Although I do notice a slight metallic taste/sensation right as it hits my tongue.  However, this disappears almost as quickly as it arrived.  Pretty straight forward and easy to drink.

Overall 4.9/6.0 - While being an easily enjoyable example of a RIS I found the chocolaty character of the beer to be a little too prominent for my liking.  Great Divide did a wonderful job brewing this beer.  The alcohol was never a factor other than the warmth on the way down.  I did notice that this was bottled back on January 12th, 2010 meaning that its had a year to age before it reached my glass.  I almost think I would like this better if it were fresher.  Generally you want your big beers to age.  But, if you don't like a lot of chocolate in your beer, I would recommend drinking this one right away.  It may be a bit more balanced to the roasty side rather than the chocolaty side.


  1. I'm not a big roasty fan, so this would have gone down well with me. I cracked open my first beer since coming out of hospital yesterday. Jamaican Dragon Stout at 7.5% It went down very well.

  2. Hey Mark. Glad to see you are doing well after your hospital visit. Well enough to at least enjoy a brew! I actually went out and grabbed a bottle of yeti aged in oak and coffee. I'm thinking I'll like it more than straight-up yeti. I'll review it soon and let you know!

    That jamacian sounds very interesting. I'll have to keep my eye out for it.
