Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Great Divide - 17th Anniversary Wood Aged Double IPA

Tonight I am drinking... nay, delicately consuming Great Divides 17th Anniversary brew.  As soon as I saw this on the shelf I had a Wayne Campbell moment from Wayne's World. "She will be mine... Oh yes, she will be mine".  Oak Age Imperial IPA?! Chyea! Are you mental?  Schwing!  This will be fantastic.
You can read a damn news paper
through that glass!

We have reviewed a number of Great Divide brews in the past.  I've consumed about 297 different versions of their Yeti stout.  The most notable of which being their Belgian Yeti.  We've also reviewed Belgica and Old Ruffian, along with a few others.  We enjoy what Great Divide has to offer.  But please, stop pimping your Yeti's like they are back alley crack hookers!  This 17th Anniversary Wood Aged Double IPA is a step in the right direction at least.

Bottled on March 29th, 2011.  The clarity with which this brew pours really caught me off guard.  I figured it would be hazy like most other Imperial IPAs.  The color is a light golden orange, just like a pale ale.  A frothy finger of foam pushes forth aromas of wood, lots of wood in fact.  Piney hops and bready malt sweetness poke through as well.  I think I smell some ABVs too.  The flavors are not nearly as bold as the aromas would lead you to believe.  A little thin and hot right away.  But after a few sips the alcohol bite subdues and piney hop bitterness takes its place.  Those oak chips help create a smooth flavor profile without being too overpowering.  Though, it's a bit hard to describe since I find everything to be muddled together.

Overall - It's a shame...  I really wanted to like this beer.  I love wood-aged beers and I love IPAs.  So the two together should be great, right?  Well, in Great Divides case I just wasn't all that impressed.  The aromas were fantastic and exactly what I was expecting.  But the flavors fell short and the body was a little too thin and hot for my tastes.  I wouldn't be surprised if this got better with age.  It certainly couldn't hurt!

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