Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Deschutes - Fresh Hop Mirror Pond Pale Ale

Tonight I'm drinking a fresh hopped version of Deschutes well known pale ale.  Mirror Pond is one of the first pale ales I had the pleasure of enjoying.  It's also one beer in a veritable ocean of examples of the style.  Although, it has definitely made it's presence known over the years.  Mirror Pond has won a number of awards since 2006 including a gold medal for the Classic English-Style Pale Ale at the Great American Beer Festival in 2010.  So how do you make an already perfect beer better?  The hop heads out there already know the answer... ADD MORE HOPS!!!

This freshly hopped version of Mirror Pond owes its namesake to a heirloom plot of Cascade hops.  These hops were reinvigorated by Deschutes brewers from the original rootstock developed at Oregon State University.  The hop plot is maintained at Goshie Farms in Oregon.

Best before 12/11/11.  The pour on this freshly hopped ale just looks juicy.  The appearance is very vibrant.  Sunburst orange and brilliantly clear with a solid finger of bright white foam.  Whiffs of fruit-filled hops and lemongrass overlay a subtle, but noticeable matly sweetness.  The flavors are very similar to the aromas.  Although, the lemongrass is much more prominent.  A solid level of bitterness accentuates the light fruity characteristics of white grapes, lemon zest, pear and spicy pine.  The entire experience is full and smooth.  Little to no alcohol present and a medium level of carbonation helps to keep the finish crisp and dry.

Overall - Deschutes Fresh Hop ale provides a refreshing slate of flavors that is more akin to a summer ale.  You wont find piles of grapefruit and pine in this brew.  It almost tastes like a fruit salad, but not like the prepackaged crap you get in those cups.  Bleh.  This is much, much better.  If you like Mirror Pond and piles of fruity fresh hops then Deshutes just made your favorite beer.

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