Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Poll Results - Favorite Winter Beer Style

Barleywine - 2
Russian Imperial Stout - 8
Porter - 5
Winter Ale - 4
IPA - 4

Last weeks poll had a clear winner with Russian Imperial Stout getting nearly 40% of the votes!  I use percentage because it sounds better than 8 out of 21.  Regardless, I'm pleased to see all the votes!  Especially for only having this be our third poll so far.  Personally, I chose Barleywine.  Although, RIS was a very close second.  It really depends on my mood.  But both are fantastic styles for the winter.

Thanks to everyone who voted!  This week - What is your favorite type of IPA?  I'm pretty sure Duns' answer is 'All of the above'.

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