Saturday, October 8, 2011

Flat Earth Brewing - Bermuda Triangle Tripel

Tonight I've picked out a 22oz bottle of Bermuda Triangle Tripel from Flat Earth Brewing in St. Paul, MN.  Flat Earth is a small brewery founded back in 2007 that's become quite popular here in the Twin Cities.  Back in the early days of World of Beercraft (Dec. 2010), I reviewed their Cygnus X-1 Porter, and in August I enjoyed a bottle of Northwest Passage IPA.  This is my first seasonal specialty from Flat Earth, and it's a big one.  Brewed with belgian grains, candied sugar and orange blossom honey, this tripel comes in at 9.1% alcohol.

The beer is a bright, clear straw golden color with a thin layer of bubbly foam that has fair retention.  The aroma screams belgian, with a potent combination of farmhouse belgian yeast-funk, fruity esters (pears and apples primarily), and some alcohol-infused cotton candy.  Peppers and cloves are also present in there.  The flavor starts off with a very bready, grainy mouthful of pale malts.  Grassy, herbal, farmhouse flavors come in and out within this malt-forward beginning.  Then comes a big wave of spices, followed by those fruits that were in the aroma - mainly pears, some apple, maybe a hint of banana?  The mouthfeel is just right, nicely carbonated and dry at the finish.  Where's the alcohol?

Overall Rating:  This is probably my favorite Flat Earth beer I've had to date.  Great, balanced brew, and the alcohol is well-hidden.  Definitely a good belgian-style beer to try for those of you in the Twin Cities area.  A-

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