Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Flying Dog - Gonzo Imperial Porter

Tonight I'm going to drink a beer that Hunter Thompson would be proud of - the Gonzo Imperial Porter from Flying Dog Brewery in Frederick, MD.  This beer is part of their Canis Major Series, which features high-gravity limited releases of which the Double Pale Ale is also a part.  The Gonzo boasts 9.2% alcohol, it's no slouch.  The label features a really cool drawing of a skeleton version of Hunter S Thompson (see picture below).  On the bottom, it states "Good people drink good beer", apparently a Hunter Thompson quote and also a theme on Flying Dog's website. 

The color is black-brown with a billowing layer of tan head that resulted from my terrible, distracted pour...almost lost some in the overflow!  The aroma is rich and hearty, with roasty chocolate malts, bold dark fruits (plums and raisins), and some burnt brown sugar.  The alcohol is very present in there also.  The flavor starts off with smooth but heavy loads of roasty, gritty charcoal grains.  Sugary, sweet prunes come next along with a syrupy toffee-molasses combo.  The alcohol warms things up starting about halfway through, and increasing towards the end.  The second half brings a touch of tobacco and some hop bitterness tries to come through, barely makes it, leaving a dry finish.

Overall Rating:  Bold, complex porter from Flying Dog.  The 9.2% alcohol is very well-hidden.  Great beer, give it a try!  A-

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