Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Dave's BrewFarm - Matacabras

Tonight I'll be drinking a Belgian Strong Ale called Matacabras, from Dave's BrewFarm in Wilson, Wisconsin.  This is a small, energy-sustainable brewery that makes 'wind-brewed' beer.  Just what in the hell does 'wind-brewed' mean?  Well, this brewery pulls most of it's power from an onsite wind turbine.  The site of the farm has a constant, unwavering wind, so it only made sense to take advantage of it and avoid those sky-rocketing energy costs we've seen over the last decade.  The beer brewed at Dave's BeerFarm is sold primarily in Wisconistania, with some of their most popular concoctions appearing occasionally in the Twin Cities.

Matacabras, which means "goat-killer" in Spanish, is one of the breweries most popular brews.  It's a Belgian Strong Ale with about 8% alcohol.  The label on the bottle states, "Named after Spain's famed "goat-killing" northerly wind, this tempestuous brew has a maelstrom of flavors swirling within it.  Robust American hops and rye make this deep, dark ale an experience to savor."  It depicts a picture of a goat swirling in the wind...pretty hilarious label.

The beer is a dark, hazy reddish amber color with a fluffy honey-hued head.  Didn't sound like it was well-carbonated when I popped the cap, but after the pour it looks like carbonation is good.  The aroma is complex - a bit of sweetness up front, with bananas and apples.  Also a hint of cloves, and some big spiciness (cinnamon sticks).  The flavor hits immediately with wave of spiciness.  That is followed by ANOTHER wave of spiciness.  After two spicey frontal assaults, things give way to some sweet caramel malts.  Bananas also come through here, along with some candied dark fruits that add a sugary sweetness to the finish.  The mouthfeel is chewy, and the alcohol is completely masked.

Overall Rating:  This best way to describe this belgian brew is - explosive!  Really an impressive brew from Dave's BrewFarm - if you're in the WI/MN area, you should definitely go pick up a few bottles.  I'll be keeping my eye out for more brews from these guys.  B+

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