Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Brainerd Lakes - First Pull IPA

Tonight I stumbled upon some left over brew from my trip last week.  No, its not the Oktoberfest or Lake Maid I mentioned on Monday.  These bottles were actually ones that went unconsumed from a six pack we purchased up in Crosslake.  They were stuffed under some cheese and crackers that we stuck in a cooler which then went into our fridge during the frenzy that was unpacking and were left there until today.  The beer I speak of is First Pull IPA from Brainerd Lakes Beer.

Brainerd Lakes, best I can tell, is brand-spankin' new.  Their website is a single page that boasts the only two beers they currently produce - First Pull IPA and One-Eyed Pike.  Had I known these guys were just getting started I would have picked up both six packs!  Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you see it, I am left with two bottles of First Pull for my... nay, our reviewing pleasure!

First Pull IPA is clear, almost on the verge of hazy bright orange.  The foam is an egg-shell white and lingers around as a thin layer throughout the pint.  Aromas come at you with a sweet fruitiness of peaches and light grapefruit and a subtle malt forward presence.  Not the IPA I had expected but still very pleasant none-the-less.  The flavors are nice and full.  More fruity flavors come through from the hops.  Grapefruit, orange and peach come together with a light bready and malty backdrop.  There is a bit of a hot alcohol flavor that comes through towards the end but nothing that really detracts from the overall experience.

Overall - For a small brewery in the Brainerd Lakes area I'm certainly impressed.  I think these guys have a bright hoppy and malty future ahead of them.  First Pull IPA is not the West coast hop bomb most are used to these day.  I'm guilty of it.  This IPA is, dare I say, more delicate?  Its lighter, fruitier and well balanced.  Easy to drink and refreshing on a hot summer day by the lake!  Good work guys!

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