Thursday, August 18, 2011

Arcadia Brewing - IPA

Tonight I'll be drinking an IPA from Arcadia Brewing Company based in Battle Creek, Michigan.  Arcadia brews aren't available in the Twin Cities...this is part of a mixed 6-pack my Uncle Mike brought up from Kansas City a couple weeks ago - thanks for the brews old man!  Arcadia was established back in 1996, and specializes in British-style brews.  They brew with original british equipment - a 25 barrel 'Peter Austin' brewing system - and (mostly) English ingredients.  This IPA is 6% alcohol, and follows more of the english version of the style with only 41 IBUs.

The beer is a hazy, dirty brown-orange color with plenty of sediment visible and some egg-white foam that recedes quickly and doesn't leave much lace behind.  The aroma brings loads of sweet bready malts, along with some nice florals and barely-ripe peaches.  Also a bit of grape sourness.  The taste starts off with bitter-sweet, honey covered grapefruit.  Decent amount of spiciness comes in immediately after that first confusing wave of flavor, and cleans things up.  In the background is a fervent herbal grassiness that hangs out with the earthy english malt base.  The alcohol comes through, a little bit astringent.  This astringency isn't overwhelming, but it does linger a bit in the finish.

Overall Rating:  This IPA is definitely unique...can't say I've ever had anything quite like it.  It doesn't follow the beaten path of most craft IPAs these days.  Refreshing, I enjoyed it, despite the slight twinge of alcohol bite.  B

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