Thursday, July 28, 2011

Epic Brewing - Brainless Belgian-Style Golden Ale

Today I'll be drinking the Brainless Belgian-Style Golden Ale from Epic Brewing Company in Salt Lake City, UT.  I'm new to this brewery, just ran across it for the first time today at the brew-shop.  It was founded in 2008 after the state of Utah changed their brewing laws, allowing David Cole and Peter Erickson to open a "strong beer" microbrewery.  This brew is part of their Elevated Series, which is a showcase in variability within different beer-styles.  The bottle states this is part of their Release #17, with 8.5% alcohol.  According to the website, this batch was brewed on June 8, 2011.

The beer is crystal-clear straw-golden color with about 1 inch of white foam.  The aroma brings candi sugars, cloves & spice, and some of that classic belgian funk.  The taste starts off extremely sweet, candied apples and sweet peaches.  Once the carbonation catches up, it brings with it some of those spices and cinnamon cloves from the nose.  Hints of booziness there, teetering on too boozy, but doesn't quite go over the edge, just keeps things warm.  The belgian yeast comes along for the ride, but it's a side-thought behind the sweetness.  The finish has some sugaryness that continues to linger.

Overall Rating:  This was a very drinkable Belgian Golden Ale.  A little on the sweet side for my taste, too one-sided, not enough other things there to break up the monotone sweetness.  Not my favorite belgian brew, but worth trying for yourself, especially if you like the style.  B

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