Friday, June 10, 2011

Dark Horse - Sapient Trip Ale

Tonight I'll be drinking Sapient Trip, a Trippel from Dark Horse Brewery.  This summer seasonal is brewed with a Trappist yeast strain, and packs a bombastic 8.5%ABV.  The label depicts the Grim Reaper standing ominously in a doorway, holding (cue climactic music)....a mailbox.  What is the symbolism here?  Is he preparing to impale his next victim via mailbox?  We may never know...

The beer is a beautiful, dark, cloudy golden color with a healthy half inch of white head.  The aroma is heavy-hitting, with a hefty amount of spiciness doing combat with belgian yeast-funk.  Also some sharp orange zest in there, combined with cloves, faint alcohol, and apricots.  The aroma of this beer is intoxicating!

The flavors start off a bit less..prominent...then the nose let on.  Begins with a dry banana-peel, along with an earthy herbal touch.  There's a soft malt presence in there, followed by a firm spice punch and a musty oak flavor that morphs into a pseudo-vanilla.  The finish brings a reminder that there's 8.5% alcohol in this concoction.  The body is surprisingly light and dry, very drinkable.

Overall Rating:  This was a smooth, easy-drinking Trippel.  Not as full-bodied and flavorful as the real Belgian stuff, but a nice American interpretation.  Give this brew a try.  

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