Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ayinger - Altbairisch Dunkel

Tonight I'll be drinking an authentic Bavarian Dark Lager from Ayinger, located in Aying, Germany.  This beer, Altbairisch Dunkel, is derived from a traditional Bavarian style that's been around for centuries.  It's won bundles of awards, including Gold medal/World Champion during almost all the '90s and the first 3 years of the 2000's - lots of alecolades for this one.  The label states this beer is brewed in accordance with the Reinheitsgebot Purity Law of 1516 - keepin' it real.    

This beer is served out of a 500mL bottle - dark brown color with a big creamy head that doesn't recede....ever.  The aroma is heavily malty, with sweet toffee and candied dark fruits up front and some light, sweet caramel and toasted sour dough behind it. 

The first sip of this beer is warm and inviting.  Things start off with big toasted bread, lightly buttered and sweet.  Honey, molasses, mixed in with the grains.  The finish brings a touch...a smidgeon....of hop bitterness that presents a small tinge of spice, really gives a sense of crispness.  The finish also leaves a tad bit of metallic flavor, doesn't ruin the beer but it's definitely present.  The mouthfeel is crisp and clean, with carbonation on the heavy side. 

Overall Rating:  This is a German malt-bomb.  A simple, delicious example of a Bavarian dark lager brewed in the old style, without any extremes that tend to come into play with American brews.  If you don't head to the international beer shelf often, go find ths beer and give it a try, it's worth it.  Fantastic session brew!

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