Thursday, June 2, 2011

Avery Brewing - New World Porter

Tonight I'll be drinking this black brew from Avery Brewing, New World Porter.  This is a traditional porter....WITH A TWIST!  It's dry-hopped.  That's right, a porter that is dry-hopped like an falls into a hybrid style of Robust Porter/Black IPA.  It might be M. Night Shamalamanaman's favorite beer.  This is a seasonal brew that's hopped with Columbus hops, at 6.7% and with 45 IBUs.   I tried it on tap at the tap-house of Avery's brewery and it was delicious, so I decided to pick up a bottle here in MN and write about it.

This beer is dark brown/black with a billowy tan head that maintains a nice lacing.  The aromas really dance off this one....brown sugar, mocha, chocolate roast, and floral hops.  The taste starts off with heavy roasted malts - roasty, grainy, sweet and creamy.  The hop bitterness comes through in the second half, citrus fruits and dry pine.  These hop flavors never take over, they hang in the background and compliment the sweet roasty characteristic of the porter.  Also a bit of spiciness there at the end.  The carbonation is really light, and the mouthfeel is dry. 

Overall Rating:  This is one of my favorites from Avery - they did a great job of maintaining the Porter as the basis for the brew without overdoing the hops - just the right balance.  I finished this one quickly...thank you sir may I have another!

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