Friday, April 15, 2011

Stone - IPA

Stone IPA was first released back in 1997.  The brewers at Stone are self-proclaimed hop-heads, so they bring big doses of Columbus, Chinook, and Centennial hops in this brew, with an emphasis on the dry-hopping.  6.9% ABV and 77 IBUs.

This beer comes in a 22oz bottle with their signature winged rebel demon-man on the front.  It's a clear light amber color with a full finger of white head that sticks to the glass nicely.  Great retention.  The nose is reminiscent of the Ruination I had last week, but a bit softer.  The thick tropical fruits are barely there, oranges and mangos....but this time there is more of a pungent, herbal honey sweetness present.

The taste starts off immediately with spicy hops.  Very spicy, very herbal, bitter, and piney.  Also some grassiness in there.  These hops really dominate the flavor.  In the background there is a creamy, honey-lined maltiness that never actually gets sweet, it knocks at the door politely while the hops destroy the hotel room.  Some fruitiness or tart would be a pleasant diversion from the spiciness, but, none to be found.  The mouthfeel is creamy and heavy for an IPA, but stays smooth despite the high carbonation level.

Overall Rating:  (4.3 out of 6.0)  I'm struggling to rate this beer.  I would classify it as a nice, big, hoppy IPA, but it's fairly one-sided with spices and pine cones dominating.  This beer was actually more destructive to my palate than their Ruination Imperial IPA!  A nice beer, but not as adventurous (or fruity) as Ruination.  

**Side Note:  Ruination obviously had a strong effect on me, and influenced this review.  If I were to pit these two side by side, I would pick Ruination every time.  However, this beer is great and another winning brew for the hop-heads out there.

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