Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Southern Tier - Gemini Imperial IPA

Tonight I came across this bottle of Southern Tier Gemini Imperial IPA at a liquor store that I rarely venture out to.  I thought Gemini was out of the question for me this year, because it's been sold out everywhere I've looked for over a month now.  But in the most unlikely of places, the little hop-hosed spaceman showed up!  This beer is a combination of Southern Tier's Unearthly Imperial IPA and hoppe Imperial Extra Pale Ale, two of their big hoppy year-round brews.  Yes, please!

Their website lists this brew at 9.0%ABV, but my bottle says 10.5% ABV.  Not sure who to believe here, we'll just have to see how I feel when the green bomber is empty.   I couldn't find a bottled-on date anywhere on the green shiny stuff.....but the label has a space man floating around, with hoses connected to the suit that are also...hop vines.  Or is it bines?  Hop bines sounds awkward, but I'm fairly certain that's the correct spelling.

The beer is a vibrant dark orange with a heavy two fingers of head.  Awesome lacing.  The aroma is citrus all the way.  Peaches, oranges, and lots of grapefruit....sweet grapefruit with a sprinkle of sugar on top.  The flavor starts with a heavy dose of pine, then transitions immediately over to that sweet citrus.  Very sweet!  Quite a mix of flavors, jumping from pine resin to sweet peaches and grapefruits and pineapple, and then back again to some pine.  The mouthfeel is thick and creamy, and leaves a warming sensation at the end that is pleasant.  Carbonation is on the lighter side, which helps add to that creamy factor.

Overall Rating:  This was probably my favorite Southern Tier brew that I've had to date.  Absolutely packed with flavor - I don't see any need for Southern Tier to continue offering Unfiltered Hoppe and Unearthly individually....they taste better together!  It's out of season now, but if you can find a bottle, grab it for sure.

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