The beer pours a light-sucking black-brown color with a half inch of dark tan head. The aroma starts with rich bitter chocolate, closely followed by roasted malts and iced coffee. Also some smokiness in there. The first drink is, holy F'ing chocolate! Extreme dark, bitter chocolate. Not chocolate roasted malts.....ACTUAL chocolate. After that chocolate blast, some flavors start to come through that remind me this is actually a beer. Burnt, roasted malts and a brief hop bitterness make themselves known, along with some crushed coffee beans. The finish brings back a reminder of the chocolate with a thick grittiness, like the way your mouth feels after a big bite of chocolate syrup on ice cream.
Overall Rating: (4.0 out of 6.0) This glass of beer felt like a 25lb dumbbell in my hand. It also drank heavy, with bittersweet chocolate obviously being the main player in the show. While I was a little off-put at first by the extremity of the chocolate, this beer grew on me over time. After acclimating to the chocolate, the rest of the flavors became more pronounced and it turned into a nicely balanced, roasty toasty chocolate stout. If you're looking for a change of pace, and enjoy chocolate (and stouts), this is certainly worth a try!
I feel like I need to try this just to experience the chocolate intensity... maybe for dessert lol.