Friday, February 25, 2011

Great Divide - Hoss Rye Lager

Great Divide is based in the craft-brewing mecca, Denver CO.  That town breeds brewing monsters, a category Great Divide definitely falls into.  Tonight I'll be delving into their Rye Lager.  According to the brewery's website, this brew is based on the Marzen lagers of Germany, and the goal is to bring rich, layered malts notes with dark fruits and spices in the background.

Pours a slightly hazy, red amber color with a half inch of off-white head.  The aroma is crisp, with vienna malts coming through and some semi-sweet sugar.  The taste starts off with caramel and toffee malts - a reminder that this is indeed a Marzen - very malty.  That is followed by a slight rye spiciness, which quickly gives way to dark sour cherries at the finish.  The mouthfeel is crisp throughout the drink, with a medium level of carbonation.

Overall Rating:  (4.7 out of 6.0)  This was a nice, refreshing lager with plenty of flavor.  The rye added an extra dimension to this brew and it worked really well.  Give this Hoss a try!

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