Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Full Sail - Old Boardhead Barleywine Ale 2010

I picked up this Full Sail barleywine a few days ago - I was actually looking for their Wreck the Halls brew, but couldn't find it and ran across this little madman.  It's been a little while since my last barleywine, so I went with it.  I wasn't able to find many stats on this brew, but I do know it is listed at 9% ABV and 91 IBUs...hot damn!

I'm pouring this into a giant mug....because that's how real men drink barleywines.  And because I don't own a tulip glass.  This pours out a brown amber color with about an inch of white head, nice and clear.  Smells very malty, fresh bread and some light citrus undertones.  I can also smell the booze in there...there is definitely some party in this brew!

Right away the hops are present and they hit about the same time as the strong carbonation.  The hops are hard to describe - they are fruity and kind of remind me of dark bitter cherries.  The malts really take a backseat in this brew, they show up with some caramel in the middle and quickly disappear into a spicy, warm aftertaste.  This one lingers in my throat a bit, with a spicy syrupy sensation.  This might be in part because I'm fighting a nasty-ass cold.  The beer has a medium body, pretty strong carbonation, and slightly syrupy mouthfeel, overall it's pretty smooth.

Overall Rating:  (4.6 out of 6.0)  I'm about half way through my 22oz mug now, and I know I won't have a problem finishing this one.  It's one of those beers that takes you through distinct phases with each drink - you start with the fruity hop blast, followed by a brief caramel malt bath, ending with a spicy alcohol party.  It's a complex brew that really hit the spot. 

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