Monday, January 17, 2011

Avery DuganA IPA

I picked up this bottle of Avery DuganA IPA over the weekend - this is one of those beers that I've intended to try for a long time and just never got around to it for some reason.  But today is the day, and I'm in the mood for a hop-assault, so hopefully this will deliver.

The bottle is beautiful, with a very cool label.  The label also has a description, "Lupulin Rapture Incarnate!  As fervent devotees of hops, we found ourselves on a quest to create a transcendental IPA capable of quenching our voracious lupulin desires.  Our mantra became, "unity of bitterness, hop flavor and aroma."  Enlightened, duganA IPA was born.  A brutally bitter, dank, piney and resinous ale designed for those seeking a divine hop experience.  Brewed with Rocky Mountain water, malted barley, hops and yeast."  Beer geeks, lupulin is the resinous, bitter part of the hop flower that makes beer bitter - it's a flavor delivery vehicle.   Delicious!

I had a little accident while opening this bottle.  Because I am a dumbass, I decided to open the bottle immediately after holding this beer on it's side to read the label, thus shaking it up, and thus creating a foam bomb that I exploded and got all over the kitchen counter.  Whoops! 

After this little mini-disaster, I poured the rest of the beer into my ale glass.  It pours a hazy dark golden hue, it's got a musky look to it.  The aroma is full of resiny, piney, musky hoppiness.  There might be some floral notes hiding somewhere in there, or maybe those are grapefruits.  Either way, but they are hiding behind the pine forest. 

The flavor starts off with a very floral taste, followed closely by a musky, piney bitterness.  Super bitter, I love it.  There is a fairly big caramel malt backbone, which delivers the sticky resins that linger in the mouth for a while.  After drinking this for a while, I've noticed there is some sweetness that I didn't catch initially.  Quite a bit of sweetness.  The texture is sticky and medium bodied, with good carbonation.

Overall Rating:  (4.7 out of 6.0)  Not a bad beer at all.  Lots of different flavors working together to make a big, bitter, malty glass of beer.  The sweetness actually caught up to me after a while, and I was pretty full by the time I finished the pint.  But I enjoyed it and would recommend it to the hop-heads out there.

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