Friday, November 4, 2011

Alaskan Brewing - Smoked Porter 2011

Tonight's review is of a beer that is legendary in the ring of smoked beers.  Alaskan's Smoked Porter is not one to be messed with.  Instead, you respect the shit out of it!  When Alaskan Brewing originally started to distribute in Minnesota the first question on everyone's mind was "Do you have the smoked porter"?  Many breweries are known for a signature beer.  I firmly believe Alaskan Brewing's signature beer is their Smoked Porter.  And now it's here, in my mug, waiting to be licked.  So excited!

A fun fact I didn't know prior to visiting Alaskan's website was that the smoke in this porter acts as a preservative.  As it ages, the smoke slowly drops out of the beer and is replaced with sherry, currant and raisin flavors in its third and fourth year.  Knowing this now makes me want to buy a case of this stuff every year.  But three years is so long to wait.  This will be an intense test of patience.

This is a very dark porter.  Darker than a stout even.  A healthy brown foam forms, but only after a vigorous pour.  Lots of roasted malt, dark chocolate and just a hint of smoke.  Not nearly as oppressive as other porters that use liquid smoke instead of smoked malt.  I'm loving this already.  Oh hey, I found the smoke!  It's balanced perfectly with a solid roasty base and full body.  It reminds me a lot of smoked salmon and faint whiffs of charcoal.  This would be amazing with a big steak.  A bit of sweetness is ushered along with some hop bitterness in the finish.

Overall - I bought two bottles of Alaskan's Smoked Porter.  I wish I had picked up more!  This is the epitome of what a smoked porter should taste like.  The flavors are bold and balanced.  The smoke isn't overpowering and plays nicely with roastiness of the base porter.  The bottle label mentions that it can be aged for a number of years.  I'm definitely holding on to my second bottle for at least one. 

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