Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sunday Round-Up 10/2/11

Steve and I are back home today from a fun weekend in Ames, IA for the ISU vs. TX football game.  Unfortunately, ISU was utterly crushed in a lop-sided and all-around ugly football game.  But aside from that, it was a lot of fun - got to hang out with a lot of good friends, drink lots of terrible beer, and reminisce about our college days.  I think Boulevard Wheat was probably at the top of my list, but we also had plenty of Coors Light and terrible gin/tonics.  At least it was all dirt cheap!

Now that we're back home, let's take a look at the brews we reviewed over the last week;

  1. Monday 9/26/11 - I enjoyed a bottle of Mothership Wit from New Belgium Brewing.  This was crisp, refreshing, and delicious.  Lots of bananas and spices in this one, along with plenty of Belgian influence.
  2. Tuesday 9/27/11 - Lagunitas Brewing, Limited Release Bavarian-Styled Doppel Weizen (that's a mouth full).  This was a big, fruity, spicy, 9% doppel bomber - great brew that will warm you up after a couple sips.
  3. Wednesday 9/28/11 - Steve drank a Certified Evil from Lucky Bucket Brewing.  This is a brew that we've both been eyeing for a while now - turns out it wasn't that great.  Steve found it to be bland and lack-luster. 
  4. Thursday 9/29/11 - I spent my thirsty Thursday drinking a bottle of Pumking from Southern Tier Brewing.  This is a dessert beer, big on pumpkin's basically a pumpkin pie in beer-form.  Not exactly my preferred style of beer, but certainly a great choice for those of you that like soft, sweet beers. 
  5. Friday 9/30/11 - Steve started his Friday evening with a Tommyknocker Small Batch Pumpkin Harvest Ale.  This brew lacked the full body and flavor profile he was hoping for - a little weak and watered down. 

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