Thursday, August 4, 2011

Widmer Brothers - Nelson Imperial IPA

Sorry Steve, I'm going to break up the Summit week tonight, but not on purpose....unfortunately I don't have any Summit in the fridge.  The fridge is actually depressingly empty right now, I'll have to stop at the beer-shop tomorrow to re-stock!  Tonight, I'll be drinking Nelson Imperial IPA from Widmer Brothers Brewing out in Portland, Oregon.  This is a year-round offering from Widmer that showcases the Nelson Sauvin hop from New Zealand, which is known for it's big hop flavors and relative drinkability.  Many big DIPAs are saturated/DRIPPING, in hops, and the result is a heavy, oily characteristic that takes away from the overall drinkability and leaves you feeling full and with a destroyed palate.  These New Zealand hops supposedly bring the flavor without the heaviness.  The brew comes in at 8.6% alcohol and 70 IBUs. 

The label on this one is boring - it states on the front "Hopped to Perfection" and above that "Prost!  Or if you prefer, Haka."  Diversity.  The beer is a clear, bright copper color with a hefty white froth after a gentle pour.  The aroma is surprisingly nice and full, with loads of grapefruit and other zesty citrus.  Almost like pineapple juice spiked with booze.  The first drink brings more of a piney edge than I expected.  Right behind it lies some spicey pepper, maybe a hint of that pineapple citrus in there but I have to search for it.  A touch of caramel toffee malts sit in the background along with a warm edge of booze.  The texture is smooth and silky, with a mild amount of carbonation, and a dry resiny finish that leaves my mouth happy.

Overall Rating:  This was a pleasant Imperial IPA - great balance of different flavors.  Widmer Brothers has built a formidable player in a growing (dare I say saturated) beer style.  Great beer - if you're in the mood for a good hoppy brew, go pick up a 4pack of Nelson.  A-

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