Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Summit - Great Northern Porter

Summit Brewing Week continues with another style that is an Autumn favorite of mine.  Porters, especially ones that are on the bolder, almost smokier side of the spectrum are perfect for an evening outside in the cool Autumn breeze.  The smooth roasty and chocolaty flavors that come together in this style warm the body throughout the Fall and on through the Winter.

Summit, clearly understanding of this styles deliciousness in the cold Winter months, named this brew after the Northern majestic railway which stretched from St. Paul (Summits current location) to Seattle.  I'm sure the workers on this railroad would have loved to go back to their lodge/pub/backdoor gambling ring and tossed back a few of these.  The profile of this porter is distinctly American with a higher than average hop profile and an edge towards the roastier side of the porter spectrum according to Summit's website.

Barely a hint of light sneaks through my pint when I hold it up to the light.  This puppy is dark!  A lighter than expected foam lingers around as a lacing.  The roasty and earthy hops are easily discernible upon my first whiff.  Slight hints of sweet chocolate come through as well.  Roast, coffee and semi-sweet chocolate create a bulk of the flavors.  Earthy hop bitterness finishes off this bold, roasty porter.

Overall - Another treat to have in the Autumn sampler.  Well rounded and full of flavor.  This isn't a porter that people who don't like stouts would like.  It has many of the same characteristics as one. The differences are Summit's porter has a lighter body and a larger hop profile than what you would typically find in your standard stout.  But for somebody like myself who loves me some bold porter action this one is right up my alley.  Along with the Oktoberfest the Great Northern Porter also comes in a 12 pack as the Autumn season draws near.

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